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GLAF Seeks City Steering Committee Members

In an effort to continue to grow GLAF, our visibility, and engagement of local communities around the world, GLAF is seeking individuals or groups that are interested in forming a local GLAF City Steering Committee. These local GLAF City Steering Committees are volunteer run and organized extensions of GLAF. We seek individuals that seek to make a difference in the athletics community they currently live in, inclusive of their recreational, professional, high school, and collegiate athletes community. Everyone can make a difference -- we need you to volunteer and voice your interest and donate as much or as little of your time as you can.

Interested? If so, email us at

From our GLAF Mission page:

“We want to give athletes an opportunity to share their experiences. Our goals are twofold: One, create a community of gay athletes who can communicate with each other regularly. Two, help cultivate an environment in sports in which athletes are accepted and respected without regard to their sexual orientation. In the process, we help to create positive role models for the society at large.”

See past years' videos and photos. Read the testimonials from 2003/2004.


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