2005 Conference in DC

Launched Athlete Scholarship

Online Video of Keynotes from 2003 and 2004

2004 Program

2003 Program

Sports Leadership Congress

Bulletin Board




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Link To Us

This is a community project, please help us spread the word to promote societal change through athletics -- we all live in the same community, gay, lesbian, bi, trans, and straight.

Do you have a website? Would you like to link your site to ours?
Simply copy the HTML code in the text boxes below and paste the code on your site.


Or to post HTML on a bulletin board system:

PRINT and POST our new POSTER and this detailed one (side by side)

********************** BEGIN - INCLUDE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER ********************

Our first conference changed the way the world of mainstream sports views LGBT athletes. The 2nd annual conference will be held on March 26-28, 2004 and take athletes to the next level. A full weekend to meet well-known athletes and other sports enthusiasts, to engage in discussion and debate, friendly competition, learn a new sport, enhance your current sporting skills, and enjoy some great food and entertainment. The conference is about community and integration, thus everyone is invited, straight/gay/lesbian/trans/bi. Over 500 attendees are expected from around the world.


Also consider answering OUR SURVEY which will allow you to help the community. Those that pre-register will get the chance to answer the same survey, so please answer it just once.


*********************** END - INCLUDE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER ********************

or link to our many press releases:


Also, please help us to help you by promoting the online survey that will show corporate sponsors (you can use this data as well) that they should be allocating funds and chasing gay sporting events since our demographics show we are highly coveted consumers, www.gayconference.org/Survey.php?Link= (where you add the name of your organization just after "Link=" and as long as you receive 10 or more replies, we can give you a rollup on the anonymous survey results for your members -- so you'll have anonymous demographics for your audience as well as the overall).

Feel free to use any of these buttons and logos:


And optionally add the name of your organization just after "Link=" and as long as you receive 10 or more replies, we can give you a rollup on the anonymous survey results for your members -- so you'll have anonymous demographics for your audience as well as the overall



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Copyright 2003 Gay & Lesbian Athletics Foundation, Inc.